Awards Etc.
Award Categories for this event are,
Open Men
Open Women
Masters Men 45-59, Masters Plus 60+
Masters Women 45-59, Masters Plus 60+
You will automatically be placed into your category based on your registration age (age on 12/31 of racing year). If you wish to race Open instead of Junior or Masters, you must let us know.
Awards go to the top three for each category in each distance for each day. The podium will be for top three from each category for each distance.
Results categories will be sorted by Women, Men, and Non-Binary. There will be a podium for Junior, both Pro, Masters, and Open categories with 20 or more riders.
*Minumum rider age is 16 years old on race day. An adult MUST accompany riders 16-17 years old on race day during the entire ride. Riders above 17 years old may ride within the group without a designated adult partner.
You MUST be present for awards.
We will NOT ship awards to you after the event.